The Spacebook


What does the story of your life look like?

The Spacebook is a paper or electronic book in which you create the content yourself or with others – couples, families, friends, or teams – in person or online.

In addition to inspiring the creation of your autobiography, Spacebooking can also help to resolve many issues, as it includes open awareness processes that promote intuition and integration.

Spacebooking involves reflective writing, drawing or other forms of expression, supplemented by open awareness resources to stimulate and enrich the process. It can make journaling fun for kids, appealing and constructive for teenagers, and serve adults as a meaningful and stimulating process.


Spacebooking can be approached with an intention to explore a particular topic or address a specific issue, or approached without an intention – other than to experience open awareness (OA) and to reflect upon what arises from OA for the individual or group.

Individuals may benefit from Spacebooking with an intention to:

  • establish open awareness
  • tap into creativity and intuition
  • resolve distress, anxiety and fear
  • navigate change, loss and uncertainty
  • access a peaceful and resourceful state
  • promote self-discovery, growth and integration
  • cultivate a sense of interconnection and purpose

Groups, teams, families and pairs may benefit from Spacebooking with an intention to:

  • address interpersonal issues
  • resolve problems of inequality
  • promote mindful communication
  • establish conscious collaborations
  • harness combined creativity and resources
  • achieve eco-logical (win-win-win) outcomes

The Open Awareness Integral Process is an example of how Spacebooking can be facilitated for a group.

No intention, no problem

Spacebooking can also be done without any particular intention, other than curiosity to explore what the creative levels of consciousness might bring forth for individuals or groups.

This approach can be used to compile an autobiography – using OA to identify, reflect upon, and write the story of your life.

Non-intentional sessions generally involve listening to one of the open awareness recordings, or doing a Jumi (judo mind) exercise, and immediately thereafter reflecting on the experience and writing down, or drawing/painting, or expressing/performing what the experience means to you, including ideas that come to mind and any following actions that you feel inspired to take.

The skills and practices of applied open awareness were developed by Jevon Dangeli to help his clients (in coaching and therapy) resolve stress, anxiety, fear and performance issues, prevent burnout, and establish mindful resourcefulness.

Spacebook provides the means for kids, teens and adults to learn and integrate open awareness into their lives, while inspiring them to think and behave eco-logically.

The Spacebook Challenge (SC) involves committing to daily spacebooking or 5, 10, 30, 60, 180, or 365 days. At the end of each week and month, and at the end of your selected period, you are encouraged to look over all your entries and to reflect on what this reveals about you and what you have learned about yourself as a result of the process.

The SC App is something that we would like to have developed for users to be able to structure and regulate their SC. We are currently seeking a sponsor or partner to have an SC App developed. Feel free to contact us if this interests you, or if you know of a potential sponsor or partner.

Join the Spacebook group on Facebook