Spacebooking 3 steps:
- Listen to any one of the following audio recordings or engage in one of the Jumi exercises in the links below.
———— - After listening or doing the exercise, reflect on your experience and contemplate its meaning and value to yourself, others and the Earth.
———— - On a blank page or in your journal write down or draw/paint a depiction of what arose in your contemplation, including ideas that come to mind and any following actions that you feel inspired to take.
- The Nature’s Way process
- The SUN-light process
- The SUN-rise process (for morning sessions)
- The SUN-set process (for evening sessions)
- Lying Down Meditation
- Breathing Open Awareness
- Authentic Self Empowerment guided process
- The Will to Live – Contemplative Meditation
- Cool, Calm & Collected Technique
- Jumi – Awarenessing (includes a series of exercises)
- Jumi – Sequences (includes a series of exercises)
More resources coming soon!
Watch this space
The Spacebook Challenge involves committing to daily spacebooking or 5, 10, 30, 60, 180, or 365 days. At the end of each week and month, and at the end of your selected period, you are encouraged to look over all your entries and to reflect on what this reveals about you and what you have learned about yourself as a result of the process.
DISCLAIMER: Spacebooking is not a replacement for medical or psychological care. Although Spacebooking is a safe process, individuals who are suffering from a psychological condition should avoid using it by themselves, and rather seek the guidance of a qualified practitioner.