Space Center

Space is everywhere and in everything!

Open Awa

One’s sense of space can be easily taken for granted in a world that has become occupied by senseless stimulation of the common senses.

Upon reflection, most people can identify the space that their body fills, the space from which thoughts and emotions emerge, the space between people (i.e. relationships); which is all the same space as that which connects us to everything in the universe!

What would your life be like if you were to embody (live from) this space, at least sometimes?

Spacebooking is all about embodying space (open awareness).

Becoming aware of the space between you and others and everything in life (i.e. open awareness) is a game changer!

When we’re busy, stressed or depressed, we’re out of touch with the space that connects us to our experience, and we therefore become caught up in the experience.

By replacing our identification with the aspects of an experience that we might be caught up in, with the direct experience of the space between us and the experience, our experience changes – it becomes more fluid and we become more able to flow with whatever shows up.

Here is an example regarding a conflict between people:

When two or more people are in conflict, they typically accuse each other of some wrongdoing. Accusations happen when we are caught up in tunnel awareness, which is when we take things personally and react in protective and/or destructive ways. By accessing open awareness, we become more aware of the relational space that connects us to others and we see the bigger picture. This promotes understanding and equanimity, which in turn cultivates ecological resourcefulness (win-win-win).

Applied open awareness is the antidote to tunnel awareness, as it enables us to experience not only the space within the tunnel, but also the space beyond the tunnel. This is the space between stimulus and response. Freedom!

The awarenessing practices  help people to establish and embody open (spacious) awareness. These practices are short and simple, yet they may help to reduce stress and anxiety, while promoting energy flow and a sense of clarity.

At the center of your Being (Authentic Self) is space, and this is the space of awareness itself.

Open awareness is inherently spacious, awake, infinite and intelligent. It is the natural well-spring of both energy and aliveness, as well as deep peace and stillness that can be accessed via practices such as meditation, applied open awareness and jumi (judo mind).

Jumi practice involves exploring the “Seven Spaces of Self“, namely:

  1. Soma space – in and around the body
  2. The space below – connection to Earth
  3. The space above – connection to Cosmos
  4. The space to your left – connection to the feminine aspect (yin)
  5. The space to your right – connection to the masculine aspect (yang)
  6. The space behind you – connection to the past
  7. The space in front of you – connection to the future

Open awareness is the experience of all Seven Spaces of Self simultaneously.

Albert Einstein’s wisdom presupposes that we need to open the aperture of our awareness to see the bigger picture, feel a deeper connection to others and the planet that is home to us all, and thereby find more eco-logical (win-win-win) solutions to the challenges of our time.

Spacebook is for cultivating a deeper sense of connection between people and nature, contemplating topics that influence all of humanity and Earth, and inspiring the creation of eco-logical ideas and actions.

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